Anyone Else see the resemblance?

Started watching “Nick and Nora’s Infinite Playlist” tonight as I was working out. It’s cute, nothing showstopping. One of the actresses completely took me aback…her name is Alexis Dziena. It’s not her acting that got my attention, nor my uncontrollable urge to want to feed this child a sandwich.

It’s that she looked so familiar! I looked her up on IMDB…(thus why I know her name.)   She was in the movie “Fool’s Gold.”   OK, I saw it.   Another almost mildly entertaining waste of a couple hours.  But that wasn’t  it…as a matter of fact, I remember thinking the same thing when I saw that movie….(both about the sandwich and that she looked familiar.)

That’s when came to me.


The Childlike Empress

Alexis Dziena

Alexis Dziena

Anyone remember “The NeverEnding Story?”